Detrick's Pick: Two Little Fishies Sea Veggies - Pisces Pet Emporium

Detrick's Pick: Two Little Fishies Sea Veggies


Green Seaweed

A natural color enhancer rich in vitamin A, B1, B2, B3, C and E, iron, iodine, potassium and trace elements. For herbivorous marine and freshwater fish including large tangs and surgeonfish, moorish idols, parrot fish, angelfish and some large butterfly fish. Feed a few times a week as part of balanced diet.


Purple Seaweed

Super nutritious natural Purple Seaweed. Ideal for marine herbivores such as Tangs and Surgeonfish, Moorish Idols, Parrotfish, Angelfish, large Butterflyfish and herbivorous freshwater fishes, such as Cichlids and Goldfish.


Red Seaweed

Super nutritious natural Red Seaweed. Ideal for marine herbivores such as Tangs and Surgeonfish, Moorish Idols, Parrotfish, Angelfish, large Butterflyfish and herbivorous freshwater fishes, such as Cichlids and Goldfish.