10 Facts You Didn't Know About Cats - Pisces Pet Emporium

So many of us consider our feline friends to be our closest companions, with good reason too! We think we know them inside and out.. but do we really? You may be surprised by these 10 facts about cats you probably didn't know! 

1. Your cat has better peripheral vision than you. 

Think your slick when you catch something in your peripheral? Think again. An optimal human eye has a 120° span of vision, while your cat rocks an impressive 200° vision! While they are not as effective seeing long distances like we do, within about 20 feet, they are deadly accurate using their entire 200° vision.

2. Cats are lactose intolerant. 

Popular media would let you believe that leaving a bowl of cream out for your cat is a delightful treat. While they may enjoy taste, their digestive system disagrees. The cat body does not process dairy the same way we do, so it bet to offer alternative treats that are not dairy-based! 

3. Your cats dangling tummy is not dietary.

All felines have what is called a "primordial pouch". This pouch dangles from the belly, and consists of an excess layer of skin and fat. We do not know exactly why cats have these pouches, but biologists believe cats have developed this pouch to protect the organs during fights, allow their bodies to extend fully when running, or store extra food. 

4. What is a group of cats called?

A group of cats s called a clowder, weird right?

5. Cats cannot taste sweet food 

Cats are incapable of having a sweet tooth. Due to a  mutant chemoreceptor in their taste buds, cats generally ignore sweet tasting food items. 

6. Your cat knows its name... it just doesn't care. 

When you call your dogs name, often it comes ripping around the corner immediately in hopes of a treat or a walk. You can try call your cats name, but likely you won't wee much activity. A new study has proven that a cat can recognize its own name from a group of random nouns, but rather is intentionally ignoring you. 

7. Cats like it HOT!

The internal temperature for a domestic house cat is a whopping 102.5°F (about 39° C)! Keeping your home up too 97°F (36°C) would keep your cats internal temperature in neutral, making it an ideal ambient temperature for a cat. Now obviously this is uninhabitable for humans, so if possible, provide a temperature between 78-80°F for your cat. 

8. Cats hearing is exceptionally better than humans and dogs.

Cats have some of the best hearing of any animal. They can hear frequencies as high as 79 KHz and as low as 55 Hz. For reference, humans hearing range is typically between 31 Hz to 18 KHz and dog’s hearing range is typically between 67 Hz and 44 KHz. 

9. Like humans, your cat is either right-pawed or left-pawed. 

we have a dominant hand, and your cat as a dominant paw. Unlike humans, their dominant paw relies heavily on gender. Male cats are almost always left-pawed, while females are right-pawed. 

10. Cats have detached collarbones 

That's right! Your cats collarbone is just kinda... hangin' around under the skin, not attached to anything. This explains how your cat can squeeze into very tight spaces without injuring themselves. 


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