Pisces Pet Emporium is OPEN - Pisces Pet Emporium

We are OPEN!

We are happy to announce that we have officially returned back to 
our regular shopping experience, and we couldn't be happier!
We are open from:
9AM -6PM Monday-Friday 
10AM-5PM Saturday-Sunday
Your safety is important to us! During your visit:
Use designated doors and walking paths
Occupancy limits may be in place, please be patient and respect social distancing queues. Social distance by 2 metres. Masks are recommended.
We want to encourage customers to bring the fewest number of people per family necessary to shop, allow for space with other customers while shopping, and practice social distancing while waiting in lines.
This reduces your family's exposure and would allow all customers to be able to maintain the 6ft distance to navigate around other customers.  However, we understand if you require to shop as a family if your family can all stay together as a tight group.