Hatch Your Very Own Live Food!
Freshly hatched brine shrimp are an excellent food for baby fish, small fish, seahorses and reef tanks. San Francisco Bay Brand has supplied brine shrimp eggs for the ornamental fish industry for over forty years.
Into a container add 1 quart (1 liter) of water, add 1 teaspoon of brine shrimp eggs, plug in air pump to start aeration, after 1 hour of rehydration add 2 tablespoons of aquarium (rock) salt and keep aeration on. Keep temperatures between 80-82 degrees F (26-28 degrees C), maintain a pH of 8.0 or above and eggs should hatch in 24-36 hours. After eggs hatch turn off aeration, direct a light source at the bottom, wait 5-10 minutes for shells to float to top and baby shrimp to swim to bottom. Remove airline at pump end. Keeping above water surface, slowly lower airline and siphon water into fine net. Rinse shrimp under fresh water and feed to fish.