What You Should be Feeding Ducks - Pisces Pet Emporium

Feeding ducks and other waterfowl is often a subject of great debate. It is important to understand that these birds do not need our handouts to survive, therefore feeding the ducks is mostly for our own pleasure. However, the reason why this is a debatable topic is due in part to the TYPE of food we are caught feeding the ducks, like bread and popcorn. An occasional offering to our feather friends is great for both parties, if you are giving them a nutritious meal! 

What to NOT Feed Ducks

Unfortunately, the most common food items you can find people feeding to ducks and geese are often the worst. bread, popcorn, chips and similar bread-based products are junk food and are best to avoid. These have little to no nutritional value and are detrimental to a duck's health. Waterfowl will fill up on bread instead of foraging for a more nutritional meal in their natural habitat. Ducks love bread and will only eat it if its available, much like a small child would likely only eat candy and chocolate if they were given an endless supply. Would you let your child live on a candy-only diet? Probably not, because it is not good for them! 

Effects of Feeding Bread

As we mentioned above, a bread diet will ultimately be detrimental to a duck's health. Why forage for nutritious plants, worms or snails when you can be hand fed delicious (but harmful) bread? In young waterfowl, malnutrition from a bread-only diet can result in "angel wing", a deformity that causes wings to go strait out instead of fold back, making flight impossible. Popular feeding spots can cause overcrowded areas, where competition for the food is fierce and is stressful on the birds. When adult ducks become obsessed with free bread, they are less likely to properly teach foraging skills to their young. This means the young birds will grow up dependent on hand-outs, assuring they will grow up beggars and malnourished. Stale and molded bread ingested can not only be bad for them, but in face be killing the, as the green mold that grows on old bread has been proven to lead to lung disease. 

What You SHOULD Feed Ducks

All this does't mean that you shouldn't feed the ducks, it means you should  be providing them with nutritional meals! If you do decide to occasionally feed the ducks, avoid feeding if there are already visitors offering food. Remember to check signs and posts for any restrictions on feeding in the area. When feeding, offer a nutritious meal consisting of small, bite-sized pieces. Great food to feed ducks and other water fowl include:

  • Corn
  • Rolled oats
  • Milo seed
  • Thawed frozen peas
  • Cut grapes
  • Mealworms (fresh or freeze dried)
  • Chopped greens
  • Unsalted nuts
  • Duck pellets

Remember to stop feeding if the ducks seem uninterested or are not eating the food since left overs can attract unwanted pests. Enjoy feeding your quacky friends!

Purchase cracked corn for ducks and waterfowl: CLICK HERE

Purchase waste-free seed blend for ducks and waterfowl: CLICK HERE
